23 June, 2017

Quick Check In #1

Just saying that yes I'm still around, yes the website SHOULD be finished this weekend, and yes it is still Friday right now! I'll post a far larger thing with the overhaul of the blog :) Thank you for your patience!

19 June, 2017

Satus Update - Website and Classes

Hey everyone! I was doing my best to finish the website (It'll be an all-in-one revamp at the same time besides trickling it in) by Friday, but some RL got in the way (who would've thought), and I didn't have much to talk about since I am still trying to regather all of my notes from memory.

It's my bad for not saying 'nothing to see here!' because it makes people feel like I disappear, and I don't want that to happen again. Even if it's a 'I Exist!' post, please be expecting that :)

Anyway, as for the website, I will FOR SURE have it finished by this weekend, wiki and some basic FAQ included as well as a checklist of things to go into the next release.

Speaking of next release, as I rebuild what I had before (movement, basic NPC interaction), I'm focusing a bit more of my time on a smaller, quicker game that's set in the world of Alteratio with a VERY similar system.

Where Alteratio is a LONG-TERM game, meant to be played for hours and hours, this other game, Alteratio - Multiplayer Transformation Fight (A MtF) is intended for a cooperative experience that is SHORT-TERM. I intend to release this game before Alteratio since it is far smaller in scope and easily done for coding (apart from multiplayer, which will be the hardest thing).

I'll talk more about it after I tell you all about how Classes will work in Alteratio!

13 June, 2017

I call shenanigans!

Sorry for disappearing once again, I swear RL won't let me get a breather!

Computer died, but luckily the job thing I've been doing has been panning out. The good news is I have an even better computer, and it's a laptop!

The bad news... lost all of Alteratio things. So, it's fine starting from square 1 AGAIN, but this is starting to get old :P

I'll continue working diligently! Will be posting every Friday once again :) Thank you all for your continued support!